koenig-pa GmbH (KPA) offers world-wide high-quality automation technologies and integrated solutions and is an expert in high-performance EtherCAT® based software and hardware products. KPA Motion is a joint-development of Reflexxes and KPA combining the advantages of Reflexxes Motion Libraries and high-performance EtherCAT master stacks. |
Coppelia Robotics is a Swiss-based company specializing in robotics related software development. Its flagship product V-REP is considered as the Swiss army knife among robot simulators: you won't find a simulator with more functions, features, or more elaborate APIs. |
Synapticon specializes in developing embedded computing and control systems on a completely new level. They provide the best tools, hardware, and software components to develop and interface complex software to systems of sensors, actuators, and human interfaces. |
The concepts of the online trajectory generation algorithms contained in the Reflexxes Motion Libraries were born at the Institut für Robotik und Prozessinformatik headed by Professor Friedrich M. Wahl in Braunschweig, Germany. The the close and trustworthy relationship is highly appreciated. |
We work on technology transfer projects in close cooperation with the Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, Germany. Our technology is patented and the technology transfer team of Jörg Saathoff greatly helped us during the early days of Reflexxes. |
The Robotics and Manipulation Research Group of the Stanford AI Laboratory makes intensive use of Reflexxes software. Student projects as well as industrial collaborations benefit from using the new features provided by the Reflexxes Motion Libraries. |